sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018

John doe

I am Mr. John doe,
The guy that nobody really knows,
I got a real name but it doesn’t really matter,
I’m a piece of glass that only shatters,
I wake up every day and walk out the door,
But don’t really know what I’m living for,
A guy that everyone around fails to see,
I could say no one knows me,
I struggle to define who I want to be,
Most of the time I’m invisible,
In the middle of a text I’m only One syllable,
Sometimes I seem irrelevant, with no purpose,
Like a piece of trash, totally worthless,
But seen in a different perspective,
I can be pretty objective,
I am important,
Because I am the light of day to a world that lies dormant,
Lost in priorities,
That overlooks minorities,
And is taken by force by those with authority,
I am the gear that moves in the background,
Moving slowly, like a mime with no sound,
Soundless but not asleep,
Could the world be without me?
I am small and come from a distant land,
But I play an important role in the world in a way no one understands,
I bring balance to this world filled with struggles,
I am an important piece of this puzzle,
This struggle that is named life,
That everyone’s doing what it takes to survive,
The poor go to the grave,
Without the world acknowledging any breath they gave,
Erased without a trace, nowhere to be found,
How many John Doe’s lie in the ground,
Like they never existed,
In fact, how many are being erased in this instant?
But I guess we all have a role to play,
And I am playing that of a “John Doe” today,
Maybe even for the rest of my life,
But I am happy just laying my head to rest tonight,
Just a John doe fighting for an identity,
Trying to be my own entity.

Written by: Stelson Gourgel (S-Love)

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